The Battle of Kōan Chapter3

The Battle of Kōan Chapter3

 And I understand about Shiiji Shirō.10

Since I am already sixty years old now, I feel that I would like to repay my debt of gratitude to the Great Teacher T’ien-t’ai. So I have used your offering money for the repair and reconstruction of our shabby temple building.

When you go to the pure land of Eagle Peak you can say that your four thousand coins built the foremost Lotus hall in the entire land of Jambudvīpa.

With my deep respect,


The twenty-second day of the tenth month

Presented in reply to the lay priest Toki



10. A follower of Nichiren Daishonin who lived in Suruga Province. His dates are unknown. In 1261 he received a letter from the Daishonin now known as A Ship to Cross the Sea of Suffering .

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