Questions and Answers on the Object of Devotion Chapter7-3

Questions and Answers on the Object of Devotion Chapter7-3

———————————-(continued from Chapter7-2)———————————–

The Great Teacher Chishō was a native of the province of Sanuki. In the fourth year of Tenchō [827], when he was fourteen, he took up residence on Mount Hiei and became a disciple of the Reverend Gishin. Studying under such eminent teachers in Japan as GishinJikakuEnchō, and the superintendent [Kōjō], he received the transmission of the doctrines of all the eight schools.

In the first year of Ninju [851] he was ordered by Emperor Montoku to journey to China. There during the Ta-chung era of Emperor Hsüan-tsung he studied for seven years under the Reverend Fa-ch’üan, the Reverend Liang-hsü, and other distinguished teachers, making an exhaustive study of the doctrines of both the exoteric and esoteric teachings.

In the second year of Ten’an [858] he returned to Japan, where he served as a teacher to Emperor Montoku and Emperor Seiwa.

These three great teachers, who shone like the moon or the sun for the sake of present and future ages, have been trusted and revered by generation after generation of enlightened rulers and age after age of their ministers and people, who have unstintingly put faith in them. And as a result the ignorant masses have also all believed in them.

Now as long as their teachings do not violate the golden words of the Buddha, “Rely on the Law and not upon persons,” then how can you say that they are based not on the teachings of the Buddhas but are simply an invention of Kōbō and the others? What in the end is the gist of your argument?

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