Questions and Answers on the Object of Devotion Chapter5-1

Questions and Answers on the Object of Devotion Chapter5-1

———————————-(continued from Chapter4-1)———————————–

Question: If that is so, then why do you not take Shakyamuni as your object of devotion, but instead make the daimoku of the Lotus Sutra the object of devotion?

Answer: You should look at the sutra passages and the commentary that I have quoted earlier. This is not a matter that I have decided for myself. Shakyamuni Buddha and T’ien-t’ai are the ones who have declared that the Lotus Sutra should be the object of devotion. And now, in this latter age, I, Nichiren, too, following the example of the Buddha and T’ien-t’ai, take the Lotus Sutra as the object of devotion.

I do so because the Lotus Sutra is the father and mother of Shakyamuni Buddha, the eye of the Buddhas. ShakyamuniMahāvairochana, and all the other Buddhas of the ten directions were born from the Lotus Sutra. Therefore, as the object of devotion I now take that which is capable of bringing forth such life force.

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