Questions and Answers on the Object of Devotion Chapter10-4

Questions and Answers on the Object of Devotion Chapter10-4

———————————-(continued from Chapter10-3)———————————-

Because correct and incorrect with regard to the doctrines of Buddhism are in such confusion, the authority of the ruler too must bit by bit decline, until in the end this country of ours will be attacked by another country and destroyed. And because I, Nichiren, alone realized this, for the sake of the Buddhist Law and the authority of the ruler I gathered together crucial passages from the sutras and composed a document that I submitted to the lay priest of Saimyō-ji, who is now deceased. I entitled it On Establishing the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the Land.

In that document I discussed the matter in detail. But because ignorant persons have had difficulty understanding its contents, I will here present the pertinent arguments and the factual proofs supporting them.

———————————-(continued to Chapter11-1)————————————-

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