A Father Takes Faith

Background and Summary(Short Story)

In this letter, Nichiren Daishonin expresses joy at the conversion of Munenaga’s father, who had opposed his sons’ belief. Daishonin praises Munenaga for remaining faithful despite his father’s attempts to divide them. The letter also discusses the teachings of the Lotus Sutra, emphasizing that in the latter age, a great sage will appear and propagate its essence. The Mystic Law of the Lotus Sutra continues to thrive even when other Buddhist teachings decline in the evil Latter Day. This letter is meant not only for Munenaga but for all of Daishonin’s followers.

Main Text

According to the teachings of the true sutra, when the latter age has begun and Buddhism has fallen into complete disorder, a great sage will appear in the world. For example, the pine tree, which withstands the frost, is called the king of trees, and the chrysanthemum, which continues to bloom after other plants have withered, is known as a sacred plant.

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